The App that takes YOU for a walk
Many people today increasingly find themselves in new surroundings. Either due to Job requirements or for vacation purposes. Many other people are also increasingly trying to find new things in their own area due to Covid: There isn’t much else to do except go for a walk or a trip using E-mobility (Scooters, Mopeds, City Bikes or car sharing.) However, trying to decide on a route that takes in what is highest rated in the vicinity (Local sights, attractions, restaurants and bars) can be hard work.
Many hours are required to read through the travel guides, which are rarely up to date, and groups of people can spend a long time trying to decide quite simply where to go. So, by using a lot of passive input from Google Maps, Apple Maps, Yelp, Tripadvisor etc., the App knows where the highest rated places are in a given radius. The App only uses a small radius of 5 kilometres and only presents the top three results of what the user is looking for e.g. Café. It also checks that these things are open!
With only a few taps (this is a mobile-only App at present) the App shows a single person, or a group, a suggested route. It shows where the nearest E-vehicles are, allows the user to ask for the best rated specific type of Restaurants within so many kilometres or thousands of steps and can be programmed to show a route from A to B or a circular route. The type of route could be the fastest or the most scenic.
It helps people on short vacations or business trips; lonely people to find new things every day, and groups of people to avoid lengthy discussions.